For Paul
American Heritage Dictionary con·no·ta·tion (kŏn'o-tā'shon) n. a. The act or process of connoting. b. An idea or meaning suggested by or associated with a word or thing: Hollywood holds connotations of romance and glittering success. c. The set of associations implied by a word in addition to its literal meaning. American Heritage Dictionary de·no·ta·tion (dē'nō-tā'shon) n. a. The act of denoting; indication. b. Something, such as a sign or symbol, that denotes. c. Something signified or referred to; a particular meaning of a symbol. d. The most specific or direct meaning of a word, in contrast to its figurative or associated meanings. I'm just saying. Why do you even bother arguing with me?
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I don't think that Suzie is ever going to send out pictures from New Year's, but my camera is due back from the camera repair shop today so who cares I guess.
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Wednesday Update
The posts lately have been a little lacking. I have been so busy, so many amazing thing have been going on. Well, really, kind of just the opposite of that. Work, school, lazy Sundays on the couch with cute boy from work. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining, no news is good news. I'm disappointed that the Chargers made such a poor go of it in the playoffs, and now that due to their unique and excruciating Marty-ball I am going to be subjected to even more Tom Brady than reasonably necessary. My boss just quit to take another job elsewhere, so I hope I don't get "let go" when we get a new boss. I found the leak in the Talfa torch, so once it's fixed I can actually start my research. (I've been trying to find that leek for months) The Ladies just got back from Vegas (without me, I couldn't take Monday off), I can't wait to hear all the sordid details. Cute boy from work is very cute. I think I'm going to bring him to Tanya and Ivory's party. I'm a little nervous, because my last relationship disintegrated when he met the Ladies, and I could no longer overlook all of the things I really couldn't stand about him. I have a real gift for overlooking some major red flags when it comes to men. Blinders... and I kind of have bad taste in men anyway. I think I'm safe with this one, cute, young, smart, funny. I think It'll be OK. Finally, my classes are awesome. I think It'll be a great semester, and I hope it flies by as quickly as last semester.
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I'll post soon with all the crazy pics from New Years Eve, I just don't have them in my possession yet.
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